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Microneedling is one of the most powerful treatments for the removal of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, dark spots, scarring, acne pitting and more.


This treatment uses a pen with 36 fine medical grade needles that causes a controlled injury to the treatment area causing the body to naturally produce collagen in those areas. Treated areas have a budil up of collagen allowing the body to naturally heal and/or fill out the areas being treated. This causes wrinkles to disappear, acne pitting to fill in, and scarring to fade away.


Microneedling treatments can be used along side other treamtents depending on what the accomplished goal of treatment is. If you are unsure of what treatment you need we would recommend having a consultation with on of our estheticians so they can give you a proper treatment regimen for you area you wish to have treated.

(2) Microneedling Treatments

SKU: 2Microneedling
  • This may be scheduled at our Telegraph Rd. and Woodhaven location 1 business day after purchase.


    Should not be done while you are pregnant.


    If you have medical questions/corncerns we always recommend speaking to your physician prior to use or any of our treatments.

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