What is HydraFacial MD?
HydraFacial MD is an invigorating treatment that can be given in as little as 30 minutes. Facial treatments can be tailored to your specific needs depending on your skin type. Our HydraFacial treatments offer immediate results but can be used repeatedly over various sessions to treat wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, nasolabial folds, acne, congested skin, and many more skin-related issues. The HydraFacial system works by removing dead skin cells and extracting impurities while cleansing the skin and finished with hydrating and moisturizing serums.
When will I start to see results?
Immediately. While the number of sessions needed to treat specific issues like deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds can vary from person to person depending on the severity, you will see at least some results immediately.
Why is HydraFacial good for my skin?
The body is made up of mostly water. Healthy skin requires that water in the form of hydration keep your skin looking radiant. As we age we start to lose the elasticity our skin once had partially due to a lack of hydration. This lack of hydration causes irritation to the skin which has been proven to increase signs of aging. HydraFacial works to fight the aging process by hydrating your skin.
I've tried facial creams from the store how is this different?
HydraFacial is different because it uses medical-grade systems to clean your face far better than you can at home and then uses medical-grade serums to infuse your skin giving you a more youthful appearance instantly. Store-bought creams do not come close to the power of our HydraFacial system.

Who is a good candidate for HydraFacial?
HydraFacial is designed to work for everyone regardless of their skin type. Our technicians can tell based on your skin type exactly how the treatment needs to be performed to give you the best results. We have a number of different serums that we can use depending on your needs to give you more radiant, youthful skin.
How long does the treatment take?
Again, depending on your needs treatments vary. Treatment times can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on what the technician feels needs done to give your face proper treatment.
Is there any downtime after treatment?
No, there is no downtime after using our HydraFacial system. You can put your make-up on and continue life as normal immediately the following treatment if you wish. For best results, however, we do ask that if you can avoid putting makeup on do so as it allows your face to breathe and can be helpful especially in the case of congested skin.
How many treatments are needed?
Depending on your specific needs you may need as few as one treatment a month.
How long do results last?
Again, this is entirely dependent on your skin and the problems you are treating. For severely congested skin in particular results can last roughly a week or so. Since these treatments are so specific to the client you really have to just get a treatment done and see how it works for you. Everyone is different.
Tired of dull skin? Want that beautiful glow your skin used to have? Get our popular HydraFacial MD package today!