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Why 3D Body Scanning?


If you are going to do a weight loss program you need a precise reliable way of tracking your progress otherwise you have no real way of telling what is working and what is not working.


This is the reason our spa has introduced the 3D Body Scanning system. We were the first company in the weight loss industry to adopt this amazing new technology.


Why not just use a scale or a tape measure to take measurements?


Simple. 3D Body Scanning offers a way to take measurements at the exact same points every time.

If we were to use a tape measure to measure you the spa technician that is doing the measurements would have no way of knowing exactly where the measurements were taken the last session.

This could cause them to be measure slightly higher or lower on your body resulting in an inaccurate measurement.


A scale is another option but it too has its own problems. Scales can lie.


If a person is working out as well doing our Laser Lipo it is entirely possible that they would not lose weight due to the gain in muscle mass. 


Our spa's 3D Body Scanning system eliminates all of these issues by taking precise measurements at over six hundred points on the body then using that data to render a 3D image of the person being scanned.


These scans can be tracked from session to session to show the progress of the person doing our Laser Lipo weight loss program or the results of their own fitness program.


Using this system we can also email you detailed reports that show your progress and 3D images with measurements.


Interested in seeing our 3D Body Scanning system in action?


Come into any of our spa's locations and a spa technician will take you on a tour of our spa and show you all of the exciting services we offer!

Would you like to use our 3D Body Scanner to track your fitness program, weight loss, or even for a keepsake from your pregnancy? Get your package below!

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